Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Easy White Bread Rolls


S'sK Easy White Bread Rolls

2 cups warm water
3 1/2 teaspoons active dry yeast
1 tablespoon white sugar
2 teaspoons salt
5 1/2 cups bread flour
3 tablespoons butter, melted

Bonus items:
Parchment paper

1.    Add cold water into microwave safe bowl. (I use a glass microwave safe Pyrex measuring cup). Microwave water for about 1 minute until warm. Add water to a large bowl. Water should be warmer than lukewarm, but not hot enough to burn you.

2.    Add yeast, sugar, and salt to water and stir with a fork to dissolve.
3.    Cover yeast bowl with plastic wrap and let yeast bowl sit in a nested bowl or Tupperware container with hot water.
    a.    To make a nested bowl with hot water:
          i.      I use a large Tupperware container and fill it about half way up with hot water.
          ii.      Nest the yeast bowl in the Tupperware container.
          iii.      Water should be hot, but not hot enough to burn you.
          iv.      Remove yeast bowl from nested bath when kneading.
  b.    Let yeast sit in nested bath for 10 minutes. You will notice that your yeast water has become very thick, bubbly, and frothy. This is perfect. Remove bowl from nested bath and remove plastic wrap top.
  c.    If your bowl is not frothy, try again. There are many factors that could affect this. Most likely your yeast died or was not fresh to begin with.

4.    Add bread flour slowly. Mix with fork until difficult to mix. Knead dough with hands for a couple minutes until dough has absorbed all flour.
   a.    The dough should be slightly sticky to the touch, not dried out, or too wet.

5.    Cover bowl with plastic wrap.
6.    Let sit on counter in a nested bowl with hot water (just like before) for 1 hour.

7.    Remove dough bowl from nested bowl.
8.    Empty water bowl.
9.    Remove plastic wrap from bowl.
10.    Start separating dough into 8-10 medium sized balls.
11.    Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper.
12.    Start preheating oven to 350 degrees F.
13.    Place dough on parchment paper.
14.    Once oven is preheated, set baking sheets in the oven.
15.    Round 1 of baking - bake rolls for 10 minutes.
16.    At the 8 minute mark, add butter to microwave.
    a.    In a microwave safe bowl, melt butter until just barely melted, (do not let it bubble/boil in the microwave).

17.    Once the first round of baking the rolls are up, remove the bread from the oven and brush top and sides of bread with butter.  

    a.    I use a silicon cooking brush to spread the melted butter on. It works really well.

18.    Continue baking for 20 – 30 minutes or until done baking. (Oven times will vary depending on your oven and on how thick you made your rolls).
    a.    Bread will be done when it is firm and slightly golden.
19.    Remove bread from oven and turn off oven when bread is done baking.
20.    Store leftover bread in an air-tight container in the refrigerator.

Friday, January 9, 2015

S'sK Veggie Pot Pie

This is my Veggie Pot Pie Recipe. I use this pie crust recipe from one of my previous blog posts: Pie Crust. I use frozen bagged assorted veggies (carrots, peas, and green beans) for some of the veggies in this pie. For a fresher tastier pie, you can use fresh produce.

Veggie Pot Pie

Prep time: 1 hour
Bake time: 45 minutes

3-4 potatoes
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon garlic
12 oz bag of assorted veggies
3 cups veggie broth
3 tablespoons flour
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
2-5 additional tablespoons flour

Pie Crust

1.    Peel potatoes, cut in small cubes and cook in microwave until soft. About 10 minutes.
2.    In frying pan, cook olive oil and garlic together until garlic slightly browns.
3.    While frying garlic, steam bag of veggies (if bag is a steam in the bag) otherwise cook in microwave. Do not steam/cook veggies until they are completely finished. Cook about ¾ the way. Once semi-cooked, drain water from veggies and add veggies to frying pan.
4.    Add cooked potatoes to frying pan. Lower frying pan temperature to low.
5.    Boil 3 cups water in microwave. When water boils put veggie broth cube in water. Dissolve.
6.    Add soy sauce to broth. Mix together with a fork.
7.    Add 3 TBSP flour into broth and mix until it is a paste. Add mixture to frying pan. Let veggies and mixture boil and thicken. (Adjust stovetop temperature to medium-high). Add salt, pepper and 2-5 TBSP more flour to thicken filling.
8.    Turn off stove.

 Finish the pie:

9.    Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.
10.    Use Cooking spray on the pie tin/casserole dish. Put pie crust on bottom and sides of casserole dish. Poke pie crust with a fork on the edges and randomly on the bottom.
11.    Add aluminum foil to sides of pie crust, so that the edges don’t burn.
12.    Bake pie crust for 5 min before adding filling.
13.    Remove pie crust from oven, and add filling.
14.    Put the top pie crust on top of filling and connect sides of bottom crust to top of pie crust. Flute dough together on the sides and poke some holes in the top of the crust with a fork.
15.    Bake for 30 minutes.
16.    Remove aluminum foil from edges.
17.    Bake for 10 minutes.